How to Secure your Text File

How to Secure your File

So, Before I write something, for those people falling in a category who prefers learning by watching videos and don't want to read the whole stuff, You can directly go for these two links explaining the whole blog in videos.

So, In this blog we are going to see how to secure your files in Windows, It's just a simple trick combining two processes. At First, we are going to Rename the File with a blank space which is usually not allowed in Windows, it will make your file difficult to search and in the second process, we are going to hide your important texts behind any image.

Process 1: Renaming File with Blank Space

Step 1: Just select your File.

Step 2: Either press F2 or right click>Rename.

Step 3: Press ALT 0160

Step 4: You are Done.

Process 2: Hiding your Texts behind images

Step 1: Keep your text file and your image file in one folder anywhere.

Step 2: Just open command prompt.

Step 3: write the following command

                                copy /b image.jpg + text.txt target.jpg

                 Here image.jpg is your selected image and text.txt is your file and target.jpg is the target image file name after combining these two files.

Step 4: After Opening your target.jpg with notepad, you will see several lines of unwanted  lines automatically written and your text will be written at the bottom of the notepad. Those unwanted
lines are quite helpful to deceive other users.

Step 5: You are Done.


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